In “Police body cam rollout hits a snag” (12/9/19), the Boston Globe seriously misrepresented both the Boston Police Department’s body camera program and the role of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association in its implementation. The addition of body worn cameras is the biggest change in policing in the last 30 years. The Union was initially skeptical of body cameras because those advocating for them seemed more interested in demonizing police than in protecting the privacy rights of the citizens we are sworn to protect and serve. But when the time came to implement body cameras citywide, the Union’s position was to do it for everyone at the same time. It was the City – not the Union – that insisted on the slow phase in. It was the City that decided on an exemption for overtime and details. It was also the City that decided to exempt detectives, superior officers and command staff from wearing body cameras. (So the photo accompanying the story showing Commissioner Gross – then Chief Gross – wearing a camera is misleading.) The Union is not the bad guy here, so please get your facts straight.
Michael Leary
Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association