Paramedic with 13 Years of Service with Boston EMS Current Assignment: Paramedic 2 in Roxbury with previous assignments to Ambulance 3 in Mattapan and Ambulance 4 in the South End before being promoted to Paramedic.
Ryan Hickey
EMT with Boston EMS from 2007 to 2014 Promoted to Paramedic in 2014 Current assignment: Paramedic 2 in Roxbury with a previous assignment in Ambulance 16 serving the Back Bay, Jamaica Plain and Roxbury before being promoted to the rank of Paramedic.
Mark Irvine
EMT with Boston EMS since 2015 Current assignment: Ambulance 17 in Roslindale with a previous assignment in Ambulance 19 serving Mattapan And Dorchester
Marc Steeves
EMT with 10 years of service with Boston EMS. Currently assigned to Ambulance 1 downtown where he has been his whole career.
Alex Pendery
EMT with Boston EMS since 2014 Current assignment: Ambulance 8 in Downtown Boston with a previous assignment to Ambulance 10 serving the South End and Roxbury